
What If……We Could Have A Conversation?

Whenever I watch the news, whether it is about Brexit, immigration, racism, terrorism, a presidential election, or the ‘objective’ reporting of an event, I cannot help but feel that everything is relegated to ‘us’ versus ‘them’. I usually get the same feeling when I read comments on social media. It makes me dream of a different kind of news. A different kind of world. A world where we would have a better chance of solving our problems. A world where we are not stuck in this paradigm of ‘conservatives’ versus… Read More

A Live Talk with Youth Impact: Young Minds, Bright Eyes, for What?

A live event with Youth Impact, a youth organization, on fb to discuss how youth can navigate their future for a successful and purposeful life.

Creative Writing Workshop to Visualize a Better World

I am so grateful for the opportunity to have moderated a creative writing workshop around visions for a better world with youth from the Refugee Trauma Initiative based in Greece. It was truly inspiring to hear your ideas and dreams!  “Making the impossible possible for a little while…” was the theme. Brainstorming sessions and guided visualizations led to rich discussions around the world we would like to create and live in. In groups, the participants built up their ideas into descriptions and short stories, and then in the final session… Read More

Can Giving Out Money to People Save Our Economy?

Do we have a solution to two of the world’s biggest problems: Inequality and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) replacing human beings at work? Well, we have part of the solution. It is called Universal Basic Income (UBI), which essentially means giving out a salary to all citizens regardless of circumstances. This salary would cover basic costs.   How would UBI solve the problems of inequality and unemployment caused by A.I.? For the past 20 years automation has been replacing low skilled labour. Between 1990 and 2007 in the USA alone, 670,000… Read More

Interview with Amy Refaat on the UK radio station – ICRFM with Samantha Brook

Click on the image above to listen to the interview. The Happiness Club program. The interview with Amy starts 25 minutes into the show.”  

Dogeared books, another amazing independent bookstore in San Francisco, has picked up my book “Adventures in the Land of Astra”

If you happen to be in the city make sure to check it out this amazing bookstore that is keeping independent publishing alive.  

Adventures in the Land of Astra now available at at Copperfield’s Books bookstore in San Francisco

Copperfield’s Books have nine branches in California and I was delighted to give them several signed copies. I am so enjoying my time in this dynamic city. As the home of Jack Kerouac, and Allen Ginsberg; and one of the most environmentally progressive cities in the US, I am so happy my book has found an audience here.

Adventures in the land of Astra Book Signing at New Cairo British International School

I was very happy to do a book reading and signing at NCBIS for my book Adventures in the Land of Astra. Thank you for this opportunity. It was great meeting you all and interacting with the students. What a bright and engaging group of young people!

Adventures in the land of Astra Book Signing at Diwan Book Store

Thank you to everyone who came to my book signing, and everyone who sent their warm wishes; you are wonderful 🙂 And a big thank you to Diwan Bookstore for the great support! I really enjoyed talking to you all about my writing.

Why We Should Be Worried About Robots Taking Over Our Jobs

What will happen to our jobs with the advance of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)? It could be to our advantage; we could have robots doing all the work we humans find boring, and free more of our time to focus on the more creative and satisfying work. I talk about how beneficial it could be in a previous article . However, it could turn into a nightmare (for a large portion of society) if we don’t plan and organise for this new technological revolution. Technological advancement is not a new phenomenon… Read More

The Fantastical World of Writing

Writing is often promoted as a way of self-expression. It is true. Self-expression is a great gift that writing gives us. There is another great gift writing gives us that is not as celebrated: clarity. Writing helps us clarify our ideas. In order to express our ideas, we first need to know what they are. Writing helps nurture an idea. The idea usually starts as a seed or a little bud, then comes to fruition, to full clarity, through writing. Writing is of course dependent on language, but writing is… Read More

Why Should I Care About The Refugee Problem If I Am a Selfish Person?

Assisting refugees is normally portrayed as the “right” thing to do, the “loving” thing to do. It is not usually portrayed as the “logical” or the “rational” thing to do. Let’s think about this from a purely selfish point of view. I will not bring “feelings” or “moral principles” into the discussion. What are the pros and cons of our options?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of our options if we look at them from a selfish point of view? Let’s look at our options. Do we send them… Read More

Why We Should Love The Idea Of Robots Taking Over Our Jobs

This is a topic that creates a lot of controversy and stirs a lot of feelings, mainly fear. Why are we so afraid of robots taking over our jobs? The obvious reason and argument against new technology is what will we do as human beings if artificial intelligence or robots become capable of doing our work?! And how will we make an income? I see the logic and I can sense the fear behind it. I understand it. However, I think this argument is one sided. It does not capture the… Read More